Brief Outline of Experience
Julia qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1989, and has experience in many fields of nursing and teaching.
Julia has worked in Primary care since 1994, developing skills in practice nursing, long term conditions, first contact, history taking and assessment skills and independent nurse prescribing. Her experience and skills led her into governance roles, firstly as a Modern Matron for General Practice, developing clinical guidelines, protocols and policies and then as a Nurse Advisor for Portsmouth City I.C.B. Working with practices to identify priority areas for CQC and evidence for quality patient care, a role which she held for twenty years before retiring in 2023.
Julia’s passion is nurse education and she was instrumental in the development and delivery of the Foundation in General Practice Nursing programme, an accredited University course working collaboratively with Bournemouth University and NHSE (formally HEE).
As a nurse educator, Julia particularly enjoys training in areas such as Diabetes, Clinical Governance, Dementia, Infection control and mental health and wellbeing. Working closely with her business partner Julia Judd, their joint vision is to make education and learning fun, interactive, easy to understand and practical with realistic expectations for Primary Care.